The dragonfire flew back at the dragon and her tamer, repelled by the ghostly winds that tore through the atmosphere. Her long grey hair blew wildly in the spectral winds that whipped angrily around the Ghost Queen. She roared again, azure flames streaming from her maw as she banked hard and swooped around the gengar.Īgatha hung in the air behind her ghost, her body wrapped in a layer of smoky darkness. She flapped her powerful wings twice, drawing even with the wispy shadow as she soared past it. His dragon tossed back her head, roaring a challenge to the wraith that waited above them. He leaned in towards his dragonite's ears, his voice rippling with draconic power. He turned his attention back towards Agatha's prized gengar, an inhuman fire burning behind his eyes. The mismagius winked at him knowingly as it dissolved into the void. He felt Morty's presence disappear and spared a glance at his dissolving form. The man had never questioned him before and Lance doubted that he would start now. He knew that the medium would follow his orders without question. "Protect the army, " Lance ordered, not even sparing a glance for Morty. A savage grin loomed large above the city, malevolent intent radiating from the ancient gengar's formless smile as it appeared in the shadows cast by the clouds. The peaceful sunset disappeared, swallowed up by the menacing clouds that formed at unnatural speeds. The sky seemed to darken as he spoke, clouds turning black as they gathered over the city. She will not give up her crown without a fight." "She is a powerful medium with centuries of experience. "You have not failed, Morty, " Lance replied, his powerful voice carrying above the din of battle. A dirty mop of blond hair emerged, tendrils of smoky shadows streaming off the man's pale white skin. Darkness streamed out of the open cloak, taking the form of a man's head. It tipped its head in a polite nod and opened its cloak as it chanted in an arcane language. Now the battle would truly begin, and Lance was going to enjoy it.Ī cloaked spectre emerged from his shadows, wreathed in darkness. A pair of ballistae bolts sailed from the battlements, skewering the shield wall and shattering the formation. A grim smile crossed his face as the column of men marching through the city ground to a halt at the iron-wrought gates of the citadel. Dragons ran rampant through the ancient streets of the Indigo Plateau, savaging the few men that hadn't managed to retreat to the citadel. Lance couldn't help but grin as the pride of Johto's oppressor burned at his hand. He bore the blood of the dragon, and dragons did not show weakness. He shrugged off the discomfort, ignoring the shudder that ran through his body. He shivered slightly, the cold biting down to his core. A dark cape flapped out behind him, billowing in the gale that whipped over the peaks. The few men who still dared defy their fate manned the walls of the citadel, determined to defend their queen until the last.Ī lone dragon soared above the city, her rider peering down at the chaos unfolding below. Azure flames ripped through the cobblestone streets, torching homes and storefronts with impunity. It slammed into a watchtower, reducing it to a pile of burning rubble. A ball of flame launched from one of the siege engines surrounding the city. The ancient city that lay nestled into the mountainside burned in agony, smouldering fires spewing acrid black smoke into the pristine mountain air. The sun hung lazily over the peaks, casting jagged shadows across the ruined and shattered plateau. Please drop a review and let me know what you think of this! Anything is appreciated, from little blurbs to page long deconstructions!

It's a Conquest AU, something that seems like it should be amazing. What you see here is the latest iteration of the story. Welcome to Salvation! This is a work that has been a labour of love since my teenage years. Stats: Published: Updated: Words: 100239 Chapters: 20/? Comments: 34 Kudos: 28 Bookmarks: 6 Hits: 920